( 1 )...... We want to Remind you, NOT to OVER fertalize your Totally LIVE Trees,
We did that already, and wiped out a few trees. Sometimes you have to Learn the Hard way. Take our Advice and go VERY Sparingly, with the fertalizer.
Nowdays, we use A Very TINY amount of fertalizer, (way less than the directions on the container), and allow Long Periods of time, in between feedings.
If you have Good Dirt, your trees will have A good supply of nutrients, and just adding tiny amounts, of Plant Food, maybe in spring, and maybe A Tiny Bit, in the fall, works well for us.
( 2 )... And Don't forget, to MIST your Live Tree, ( with Distilled water ) while it is in your house for christmas. A couple / or few times per Day / Night. The Inside of a House Can Dry out a tree pretty fast, if it is not watered and Misted enough. Don't forget to UN-Plug your christmas Lights, before misting...... Just Sayin...grin.
( 3 )... And, water your Trees sparingly, while they are inside also. every few days or so...... Be Careful, NOT to Overwater.
ONLY ( One person ) waters the tree ( ONCE ) every few days, or so.
( 4 )... Also remember NOT to KEEP your Totally LIVE Christmas Tree, Inside, After the Christmas Holiday.
Natural Live Evergreen Trees are not ment to be Inside House Plants.
They are Naturally "OUTSIDE" Trees. And REQUIRE a Winter season, each growing season, ( each year ) For them to function and grow properly, and for them to maintain good Tree Health. Just bring them Inside, for a Brief period of time, around Christmas, then BACK Outside, where they truly belong, when Christmas is Done.
( We bring ours inside, rite before christmas, then back out after the 1st )
After the Holiday, just take them back outside, and care for them all year, outside, until next christmas. It's Easy as 1, 2, 3,
( 5 )... When we Initially Buy Our Live Trees from the nursery, We also buy some Planter Pots, much Larger, than the ones the trees are currently growing in, when we buy them.
We also buy a few bags of the best NON-fertalizing ( reg potting soil ) that they have on hand, along with some small lava rocks, and some perlite, for drainage, So we can Immediately Transplant our trees into larger containers, as soon as they arrive home. good dirt, with plenty of room for the roots for the next few years. Easy as Pie. and LOTS of GREAT Fun too. You will find, that it is VERY satisfying, getting Very CLOSE to your new trees. You will SEE. and FEEL, what we mean.
( THESE ) Trees, are Truly "ALIVE"
( 6 )... Make sure that you keep your Live Trees Needs in Mind, when you bring them inside. Can we SAY Animals ?????
ALL animals LOVE Trees, at least we Think so. We are Lucky, Our Cat, is not even the slightest tiny little bit interested in any of our Live Christmas Trees.... >> we ( THINK ) that he MAY have been already acustomed to them, Outside our House etc. All year long they were on the Balcony, then moved into the house for Christmas etc. But The Cat had been outside among his trees many times already, before we brought one in..... and rite after we brought one in, he came up and smelled it, then walked away. We got LUCKY....grin. ANYWAY, if you bring a Totally Live Tree into your house or Apt for christmas, we think that you should "GUARD" and "PROTECT" it, while it is in your home, giving you pleasure......
Just Our Opinion, folks. it is exactly what we do, even though we are just blessed, and do not need that.....( YET ) grin.
it COULD still happen. the Cat could take interest in the tree, and start, some stuff. at a later Date...... so Be Careful. and WATCH your animals around your tree,
It is a LIVE tree, and could "DIE" or get Sick, if it is mistreated, by any Animals, Or People....
"Please, Be MINDFUL of your Live Trees "NEEDS"
Commen sense works wonders, and your local Greenhouse supply center, will also be glad to answer any questions you have, concerning your Live Christmas Tree.
Anyone in the Adrian, Michigan, USA area, We recomend >> BARRETTS Greenhouse and supply center, on Beecher St.
They are AWESOME, and Very Helpful, and they are The BEST.
and it pays, to go straight to the Top, especially with something as Important as the
Live Tree Christmas Movement Live Trees..
There will be Live tree Parades, There will be a Live Tree Pageant, There will be a Christmas Mini-Float Parade,
There will be Internet TV Broadcasts, each year.
Were gonna Rock yer Christmas Socks OFF BOB.... Next Year.
We Ourselves, Have already STARTED. With our very FIRST ever "Totally LIVE" Christmas Tree...
Thank You, for CARING, for Mother Earth....Raven.